Saturday, April 13, 2013

Beets, parsnips, greens

After fencing all the peas and the fava beans to protect them from varmints (actually, Edie (the dog) already dug up and ate some of the pre-soaked peas, but never mind,) I moved on to bed preparation and some planting.

I got three 7 ft rows of beets planted, three 4 ft rows of parsnips, and transplanted some of the pathetic collard, chard, and kale seedlings that have been doing nothing in flats in the cold frame.

Then I gave the carrot transplants a try. They had grown a couple true leaves, but apparently had put more energy into their roots. Transplanting was definitely a challenge. I decided to go ahead with the experiment despite my doubts. Here's what they looked like pulled apart from each other in the flat. 

 In the cold frame I was able to transplant some strong looking seedlings from densely planted rows into new rows.

Update: On April 22nd I left the cold frame cover on until mid-afternoon and completely COOKED the contents. So... we will not find out the result of the carrot seedling experiment.

Sorrel, garlic, and rhubarb are responding to the spring weather, but the rest if the garden is still just dirt. 

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