Here's the hoop house. Karl came over and helped me throw it together while Doug was working on our addition. The hoop house consists of 6 10 ft lengths of 3/4 inch PVC. The two end arches were cut in half and a T-connector was cemented between the two halves. The ridgepole was cut to length, and inserted into the two T-connectors. (Not cemented so that it's easier to take it down later. We'll see if that's a problem.) 5 4 ft long rebars were cut in half to make 10 2ft pegs. Pounded into the ground with 4 inches above, these rebars are the posts that anchor the ends of the PVC arches. An old paint tarp was laid over the top. (I still haven't gotten around to sizing it correctly.) Rocks and wood anchor it around the sides and right now snow does too. An old hose was cut in foot long lengths and slit on the inside of the curve to clamp the plastic to the PVC arches. These work OK, but the weight of the snow on top, and sometimes the wind can cause the hose to pop off.
Inside, everything is doing well except the zucchini. The 29 degree temps seem to have caused some of the leaves to droop. I pulled the plant today, because without pollinators nothing else will come on it anyway and as you'll see below, the last zuchini was ready for harvest.
And check out the daikon!!! It really didn't need to be in the hoop house. It was started August 11th, and just now, when the frosts could start to top kill it, it is supremely ready for harvest. So maybe next year, I'll do some later plantings in the hoop house and earlier out and around the garden.
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