Tomatoes are coming in nicely. One batch of garden tomato sauce is frozen, a couple batches of diced tomatoes, one batch of crock pot marinara (8 cups of that).

Ground hogs have been an ongoing problem attacking carrots, beans, parsnips and wow - how they love collards and Brussels.
The onion crop came in, as did the garlic. Fantastic yield with the garlic though I harvested late and the leaves had started to separate from the bulbs. I let a couple go to flower and it didn't make a huge difference in head size.

I'm still harvesting beets, and about to plant more.
Same with carrots. Here's what I got after not thinning and not weeding (much). I'm not sure about "atomic red", but "purple haze" sure met expectations!

Despite slugs, pole beans made it up the poles, but I can't reach the beans to harvest them.
I harvested the potatoes. Beautiful colors, but small yield. No surprise considering I did the opposite of tending them.
I really can't wait for the sweet potato harvest, the vines are everywhere, but it hasn't been hot so I really don't know what we will find under ground.