The front of the garden. I stacked some rocks around the base of the sink. It was always our intention to rock face it but I don't know when we will get around to it. |
New perennial bed. (Sorrel, horseradish, rhubarb, dill.) |
Sorrel, and horseradish, with a border of basil. |
Snow peas |
Kale mix. It's actually about doubled in size since this photo was taken last week. |
Strawberries! Last year there weren't this many and the birds got them all. So maybe a net this year? |
Asparagus, started last year, is doing fairly well. |
Here's the herb garden. These have been moving around the yard. We haven't settled on our best spot for them yet, but this will be fine for this year. |
Our new trailer! Hauled a HUGE load of horse manure for the garden over a month ago. |
A view from the east end of the garden. Potatoes will be planted here if I ever get around to it. Beans will go in along the inside of the fence. |